
Hi I'm Andrei John Cantilleps, this website is a product of all the lessons I have learned as I embark my journey to success and from success to significance.

My purpose is to live, inspire and lead a life of lasting Godly legacy. I dream of living a life that glorifies God, honors my wife and inspires my children to a life of excellence, a life where they"ll discover their God-given dream, and their divine purpose to God's kingdom and for the benefit of humankind.

My journey was never an easy road and I understand now the reason why God allowed such things to happen for me. He taught me lessons along the way, some I was fortunate to learn, others I am still learning and most I'm about to learn yet.

This website will give you a glimpse of my life. But this is more than about me. It's all about my journey in pursuing success, wealth and purpose in life, where instead of success I found significance, instead of wealth I found abundance and not only purpose did I found but passion and calling as well.

Here I will share with you the lessons that I have learned, skills that I have developed and wisdom I have discovered as I try to pursue success, wealth and purpose in life. You will find useful materials and resources that I hope will help you as well as it helped me to become the man I am right now. 

If you feel you are blessed, inspired and encouraged with the stuffs you find in this site, please let me know, but should you feel in anyway it negatively influences you please let me know even more.

May the Lord our God bless you and make you a channel of blessing to other people as  I am blessed with your presence here at my site.

So sit back, relax and enjoy your visit here. Have the passion to know Christ more and more each day!

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