Sunday, July 1, 2012


Read: 1 Samuel 14:24 - 52

How arrogant we are, when we carelessly carry on our plans without consulting or waiting on the Lord's answer.

Often we neglect to assess our current resources and assets, and identify if we can really move on. just so we thought we can, it doesn't mean we can also accomplish. Often, actions and words without careful considerations, leads to frustrations and failure.

Such is the case when Saul carelessly force the people to keep on charging and even pressuring them with a selfish oath. His people was exhausted, weary and hungry, this resulted to unwise decision and careless actions. it even put, his son, Jonathan's life in line.

Fortunately, we can also see that God is merciful to those who are faithful to Him, He spared Jonathan from certain death and because of Jonathan, He had also allowed Saul to win other victories as well.

Our leader may not be doing his job very well, but God is willing to achieve His purpose and win battles as long as there are people who remain faithful to Him.

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